Posts by Karen
4 Easy Ways to Achieve More Restful Sleep
Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope would like to remind our patients that living a healthy lifestyle is the cornerstone of achieving peak wellness, not to mention avoiding injury.
Making sure that you get a restful night of sleep is paramount to staying well and making sure that you’re alert and focused when you need to be throughout your day. Below we go over a few ways that are in your power to achieve a more restful night of sleep.
1.) Get 7-8 Hours In
Making sure that you get the requisite amount of sleep each night is your first step toward restful sleep. Try to stick to a routine — your body will start waking up on its own; no alarm clock needed!
2.) Nap if You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep
Try not to lean on napping too much, but it’s a great way to refresh and re-energize, say, if you only get 5 or 6 hours of sleep on occasion.
3.) Cut Caffeine After 4 PM
If you need to be in bed around 10pm, then your last caffeine drink should be no later than 4pm. Having a cup of joe any later than that can seriously disrupt your sleep cycle.
4.) Be More Active During the Day
Nothing will give you a better night of sleep than pushing your body to exertion.
Another great way to boost your quality of sleep is to visit Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope. We help our patients achieve more restful sleep with drug-free treatments and innovative chiropractic techniques. Call today to schedule your consultation.
3 Hidden Health Benefits of Chiropractic Care
So we all know that chiropractic adjustments have been shown to be beneficial in pain management and in the treatment of back pain, neck injuries, leg pain, and more, but here are a host of additional benefits that patients who pursue chiropractic care get from their efforts.
Below Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope goes over a few of the health benefits of chiropractic care that you might not have heard about.
1.) Treatment of Neurological Conditions
There is some exciting research being conducted around MRI scans that support the idea of upper cervical adjustments having a beneficial effect on various brain-based conditions. These scans have revealed that cerebral spinal fluid and blood flow are showing marked improvement and increasing after a series of chiropractic adjustments.
2.) Chiropractic Helps Treat Colic, Acid Reflux and Ear Infections (in Children)
Chiropractic is beneficial for patients of all ages! A 2011 review published in Explore that included a review of 26 articles found that chiropractic adjustments were shown to greatly reduce colic symptoms. Also, there are many case studies which support that children suffering from ear infections or acid reflux experience complete to near-complete resolution of adverse symptoms after only a few visits to the chiropractor.
3.) Insomnia Treatment
For patients who have insomnia or trouble sleeping tied to pain, anxiety or trouble breathing properly, chiropractic adjustments have been shown to work wonders in helping patients get a restful night of sleep.
If you have any additional questions about how chiropractic can help you in your everyday life, contact Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope today.
Neglect Your Lower Back at Your Peril
Your core muscles and your lower back
All these muscles work together to help you maintain proper posture, which is the first pitfall of not training them- it makes posture all the more difficult. From here, the problems compound, especially when you are asking your lower back to bear more strain as you scale up your ab routine.
Neglecting your lower back no longer
There are many exercises and stretches which can be easily learned and quickly added into your routine to ensure that you are rounding out your exercise and contributing to spinal health. After all, these are the muscles that matter most for the longevity of your body. Chronic pain, postural problems and degradation of the spine can all be prevented by paying attention to the conditioning of the lower back muscles. To resolve pain in the lower back, establish good posture and restore spinal balance, give our office in Park Slope a call to schedule an appointment today.
Don’t Let Your Back Pain Reach Desperation Level
Conservative methods for addressing back pain
Flexion/Distraction manipulation is a technique developed by Dr. James Cox that uses a specialized table to put you in different planes of motion, including passive distraction, lateral bending, flexion and rotation. These motions reduce intradiscal pressure and widen the spinal canal area to provide a reduction in symptoms of pain that are characteristic to hernaited discs. We can also achieve improvements in range of motion of the spinal joints. This is a widely used and well-researched form of spinal manipulation; a gentle, non-invasive procedure that helps many people find relief from pain in as little as 30 days from the initial treatment. Many people find the treatment relaxing.
Recapturing the Lost Vitality of Youth
How chiropractic and acupuncture support a younger you
- Chiropractic adjustment: the regularity of internal and external stressors demands that we regularly re-align the body so that the nervous system can work optimally and healing is maximized.
- Therapeutic massage: for increasing blood circulation to stiff, sore muscles, helping them heal and provoking the body’s release of feel good chemicals that fight pain and stress.
- Exercise & Rehabilitation: stretching and strengthening are two of the most important tools in our arsenal when it comes to rehabiliation and prevention moving forward.
- Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine: to ease pain, fight stress, improve circulation and increase well-being.
Feel Your Body Come Alive to The Rhythm of Movement
We provide the solutions that will help you move more
So what is the secret? Get moving. Discard the little windows of time you spend zoned out scrolling through internet meme and stretch. Stand up and extend your arms fully forward, with hands clasped, and push your fingers against the back of your hands. Feel your body come alive as your structures and muscles are called to duty.
At your Park Slope Chiropractor, we help people find their inner healthful being. Making you aware is only the first step: instilling the virtue of posture and a thirst for mobility is a key goal for us. We can help you create a plan for core strengthening, resistance and mobility training that will restore your back to a state of health.
For Your Best Night’s Sleep, Choose Acupuncture
Finding a better night’s sleep through natural means
TCM relies upon the methodology that all forms of body disharmony, illness and disease are effectively treated by restoring harmony to the Qi along the energy meridians of your body, thus healing organs and body systems. This includes sleep disorders. We synergize the power of TCM with chiropractic to give your body a multi-dimensional support network. As it relates to sleep, there are two primary energy meridians that apply: one, which is responsible for the quality of sleep, and one which regulates proper timing and duration of sleep.
By balancing the bio-energy along these meridians, restful and restorative sleep can return to your life. I can also make recommendations pertaining to lifestyle habits and diet that could be affecting your sleep. The exact type of acupuncture treatment that will benefit you can only be determined through collaboration between the client and a licensed practitioner. We will determine the root cause of your sleep disturbance and create a plan that will improve your sleep quality.
Sinus Headaches Respond Well to Acupuncture Treatment
Taking a holistic approach to treating sinus infection and headaches
Acupuncture treatment for sinusitis focuses on points specifically related to the sinuses. The Bitong point is particularly useful in managing pain from sinus infections: when needled or massaged, this point helps to open up the sinuses. There are many complimentary points that can be needled along with the Bitong to encourage drainage, relieve pressure and reduce mucus production; the points we target depend on your individual diagnosis. Many people find relief from pain and pressure immediately after a treatment.
Sinus headaches be gone!
Acupuncture positively affects all aspects of health. It can make a big difference in the way your body deals with and, ultimately, overcomes sinus problems. At Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope, we use it in tandem with chiropractic treatment to maximize your well being. Find out more by giving our new office a call to schedule an appointment today.
Taking A Holistic Approach to Stress Management
Coming to terms with your stress
Stress can cause physical pain. Experiencing stress regularly is harmful: high blood pressure is one of its better known side effects, but overstress can lead to a whole range of physical ailments from muscle tissue deterioration to chronic headaches. It is common to hear that joint pain is experienced during moments of prolonged stress. This pain is processed by the central nervous system through a system of neuron transmissions in the spinal cord. The spine then sends signals to the brain, which creates the sensation of pain. Do you ever feel tense when you are stressed? This is a physiological manifestation of the tightness in your muscles. If back muscles are tensing and retracting, they can create misalignments in your spine that cause pressure to the nerves. Simply put stress= pain.
Stress can be treated by chiropractic therapy!
Spinal manipulation restores your spine back into alignment and treats nerves that may have become inflamed due to the build up of stress. Chiropractic and acupuncture are both proven to improve blood circulation. At our office in Park Slope, we use natural methods to boost your body’s natural energy levels, thus helping you cope with stress in a healthier, more effective manner. All of these are important to an effective stress management plan.
Winter Wellness
Feeling your winter best
Your immune and nervous systems fight hard in cold weather; they are often worn down more quickly in winter than in other seasons, hence the seasonal cold, and the outbreaks of flu during cold months. Operating on the idea that the odds are slightly stacked against your nervous and immune systems during winter, holistic medicine attempts to tip the scale back in their favor. Using chiropractic adjustments to establish spinal alignment and balance, your nervous system is less encumbered. Acupuncture balances the body further by stimulating circulation, nourishing all parts of your body with nutrient and oxygen-rich blood and cycling away waste products.
Winter is a grind
Our services ensure that the cold, dark New York winter doesn’t get the best of you. Many of our patients find that with regular attention to their physical and mental balance, they are able to avoid seasonal illness completely. If you are interested in finding out more about our holistical wellness plan for winter, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today.