Posts by Karen
Pregnancy Chiropractic: Relieving Sciatica Nerve Pain Naturally
How does chiropractic remedy this situation?
Spinal adjustments help to mitigate the unstable situation which is brewing constantly during pregnancy. By returning the vertebrae in your lower spine to proper alignment, we can undo the problematic nerve impingement. From the vantage point of alignment, we introduce gentle stretching and exercises which strengthen the supportive muscles and restore mobility to the lower back. If your sciatica persists, we can help you change your lifestyle to account for the pain, including implementing heat and ice, improving posture, and changing the way you sleep. Massage further aids in the healing process by increasing circulation and stimulating the healing process. We can advise you on stretches, including yoga poses and other gentle exercises, that will prevent your body from falling back into the old patterns of misalignment and impingement. If you are interested in finding out more, give our office in Park Slope a call to schedule an appointment today.
The Power of Sports Massage
The benefits of sports massage
Studies consistently show that athletes who receive massages post-workout have enhanced blood flow and less muscle fatigue than those who don’t get a massage. At this point, circulation is everything: it ensures that your muscles get the oxygen and nutrients they need to repair and regrow stronger. Massage also gets in deep and breaks up scar tissue adhesion, and helps muscle fibers grow back quicker and more effectively. Further benefits of sports massage include:
- Relieving muscle tension and spasm
- Increasing joint mobility
- Increasing the pliability of muscles
- Increasing blood flow
- Reducing stress
This translates to less time on the sidelines nursing your sore and stiff muscles. If you are interested in adding sports massage into your athletic recovery plan, give our office in Park Slope a call to schedule an appointment today.
Acupuncture Offers Practical Stress Management
Acupuncture helps us manage stress
At our new office in Park Slope, we are seeing more people come in complaining of chronic stress. Acupuncture offers an all-natural method for managing stress. Here’s how it works:
- By regulating Heart Rate Variability: a more objective measure of the effects of stress on your body and brain. A stable HRV directly influences the function of the nervous system. Which leads us to benefit #2…
- Balancing the Central Nervous System
- Increasing circulation to the brain to deliver the nutrients and oxygen your main muscle needs to thrive under stressful conditions.
- Increasing natural energy levels and vitality to help you deal with stressful situations in a more sustainable manner.
At Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope, we want to use our expertise in natural healthcare to help our community live more balanced, less stressful lives. If you are interested in taking an active hand in manging your stress, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today.
Acupuncture Makes Old Age More Comfortable
Making old age more comfortable
Acupuncture benefits seniors in the following ways:
- Reduces inflammation: stimulates the body’s pituitary gland to release cortisol which fights inflammation
- Relieves pain by stimulating the release of the body’s natural painkillers
- Improves respiration
- Helps with digestive problems
- Treats neck pain and headaches
- Improves mood
- Relieves arthritis pain
And it does all this without a prescription! As an alternative form of healthcare, acupuncture does not seek to replace your primary care, but rather to augment it. Acupuncture is proven natural healthcare that adds another dimension of support for your aging body. If you are interested in finding out more about how you can benefit from acupuncture, give our office in Park Slope a call to schedule an appointment today.
Searching for Relief: Acupuncture for Arthritis
Acupuncture delivers serious relief
In the early stages of RA, a primary goal of Western medicine is to slow down the inflammation response, thereby limiting the end damage to the joints. Acupuncture attempts to relieve arthritis pain by stimulating the body’s natural painkilling response and improving the function of affected joints. By stimulating blood flow, your body is able to deliver oxygen and nutrients to an are that is in serious need of support.
The argument for acupuncture
There is a growing trove of research and evidence that suggests acupuncture is an effective treatment for arthritis. If you have turned to seemingly every corner of the medical world and found little relief from your symptoms, it could be time to try acupuncture. Acupuncture is a safe, minimally-invasive procedure that adds another dimension to any pain management strategy. If you are interested in finding out how acupuncture can help you manage your RA symptoms, give our office in Park Slope a call to schedule an appointment today.
Acupuncture Improves Workplace Wellness
Benefits of acupuncture to the worker in you
Acupuncture is of enormous benefit to anyone who works 40+ hours a week; because these 40+ hours often tip the balance of your life toward stress, acupuncture goes about undoing this by treating the causative factors of stress at their source. The equation is a cycle: mental stress causes physical pain and physical pain causes mental stress. The body’s natural reaction to mental stress is to tighten; tension in the musculature then pulls your body out of alignment and causes physical symptoms like back pain, stiffness and aching.
Acupuncture works to reverse this cycle by increase blood circulation throughout the body, helping muscles repair and heal, while also helping to oxygenate and energize the brain which helps you cope with stressors more effectively. By boosting your immune system, acupuncture helps you ward off illnesses that come about when your body is worn down from to much stress. If you are interested in protecting your workplace wellness with acupuncture, give our office in Park Slope a call to schedule an appointment today.
Acupuncture for Insomnia
Acupuncture for insomnia
Acupuncture is an alternative therapy for insomnia in that it uses needles to stimulate points along given energy meridians. Our education is grounded in the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine which has been treating insomnia in this manner for millenia; indeed, many western medicine practitioners are now recommending acupuncture as a natural sleep aid. Here is how it works:
- It makes you feel less anxious and more relaxed
- Improves sleep quality and duration
- Improving circulation, which helps oxygenate the brain, an organ that thrives on oxygen
- Relaxes muscles and reduces pain by producing natural painkillers like endorphins.
- Increases the body’s natural production of melatonin
Indeed, acupuncture can have a dramatic effect on sleep quality and quantity. If you are interested in finding out more, give our office in Park Slope a call to schedule an appointment today.
Acupuncture is Proving A Powerful Non-Pharmacological Tool for Treating Headache Symptoms
How does acupuncture directly address headache symptoms?
- By relaxing muscular tension
- Reducing pain by releasing endorphins and enkephalins
- By regulating blood flow and the body’s circulatory response
- Regulating the central and autonomic nervous system
Acupuncture is not for everyone’s headaches. It is important that we take the time to exhaustively detail your medical history, symptoms and current condition. By determining what types of headaches you suffer from, we can create a coordinated treatment plan that includes chiropractic and acupuncture techniques to naturally treat your symptoms.
Thanks to clinical research, acupuncture is being proven as a non-pharmacological method for managing tension headaches. If you are interested in making acupuncture a part of your healthcare routine, give our office in Park Slope a call to schedule an appointment today.
Acupuncture for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
A multi-faceted approach to treating TOS in Park Slope
Because TOS is a compression syndrome, we focus our efforts on alleviating compression through manual adjustments, trigger point and myofascial release. Even teaching and implementing better posture has been shown to help relieve symptoms of TOS. In combination with these gentle, effective modalities, we also offer acupuncture as a therapy for relieving the discomfort of TOS.
Acupuncture reduces inflammation and helps to relax the muscles; by improving the body’s circulatory system, we make more oxygen and nutrients available to the thoracic outlet as it attempts to heal. Acupuncture works with our chiropractic modalities to rebalance the body and make significant improvements in the symptoms of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. If you are interested in finding out more about our natural approach to wellness, give our office in Park Slope a call to schedule an appointment today.
Where is My Center of Gravity?
Direction of gravity in relation to your COG
This is where things get interesting. Gravity is a downward force; because you are in the middle, gravity travels through you and your COG toward the center of the earth. Your COG is part of your base of support– the area beneath you, including the points of contact your feet make with the ground. This base of support determines how stable you are- if the line of gravity travelling downwards stays within your base of support, you are stable. However if the line of gravity falls outside your base of support, you are unstable.
It therefore follows that a larger base of support therefore increases stability, and helps explain why a low center of gravity is advantageous; the lower your COG, the less likelihood that the line of gravity will fall outside your base of support.
Stability and the center of gravity
At Community Chiropractic and Acupuncture of Park Slope, we want to help you get to know your center of gravity. Balance is an important part of wellness and we want you to start taking advantage of it to prevent injury and function optimally. Give our office in Park Slope a call to schedule an appointment today.