Searching for Relief: Acupuncture for Arthritis
Acupuncture delivers serious relief
In the early stages of RA, a primary goal of Western medicine is to slow down the inflammation response, thereby limiting the end damage to the joints. Acupuncture attempts to relieve arthritis pain by stimulating the body’s natural painkilling response and improving the function of affected joints. By stimulating blood flow, your body is able to deliver oxygen and nutrients to an are that is in serious need of support.
The argument for acupuncture
There is a growing trove of research and evidence that suggests acupuncture is an effective treatment for arthritis. If you have turned to seemingly every corner of the medical world and found little relief from your symptoms, it could be time to try acupuncture. Acupuncture is a safe, minimally-invasive procedure that adds another dimension to any pain management strategy. If you are interested in finding out how acupuncture can help you manage your RA symptoms, give our office in Park Slope a call to schedule an appointment today.