End of the Month Wellness Check-In

As 2020 gets underway, it’s a good idea to take a closer look at what you were able to accomplish health and wellness-wise in order to plan a proper protocol for February. As January concludes, now is the perfect time to do a wellness check-in with yourself.

How Are You Feeling?

If you’ve made some changes as far as diet, exercise, and your recovery plan go, you should be starting to feel some of the benefits that come along with making healthier choices. You might notice that your mood/outlook has improved, that you’re getting more restful sleep on a nightly basis and feeling recharged when you rise in the morning. Your body should be feeling stronger, more fit, and also more able to stand the daily wear and tear you put yourself through.

If you’re still feeling the same, then maybe it’s time to get more serious about your goals for this year. February would be a great month to double-down on your efforts so you actually start seeing results.

Identifying Your Weak Areas

When we’re working hard to achieve our goals, sometimes we attack certain areas harder than others. It’s only natural! But, it’s important to look at your weak areas and try to improve them, whether those weak areas are in your diet, in your rest and recovery plan, or your mental wellness.

Self-Care Through Chiropractic

Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope provides treatments that go hand in hand with your health and wellness goals this year. Contact us today to learn more about who we are and what we do.

Chiropractic for Sciatica

Sciatica is a common problem that occurs when a person has herniated or bulging discs. Sciatica is characterized by pain that generally stems from compressed sciatic nerves. Pain related to sciatica will usually begin in the lower back and end up traveling down one or both legs.

Sciatica can cause pain, anxiety, cause breathing difficulties and even induce panic attack-like symptoms.

Chiropractic treatment is a drug-free alternative available to patients who wish to explore all-natural remedies geared toward treating the root of the problem instead of just treating the symptoms. Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to provide drug-free pain relief benefits, reduce inflammation in the body, reduce anxiety, and improve range of motion in your body.

Contact Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope today to schedule your consultation in order to learn more about how we can help with your sciatica. We have a long track record of treating patients with a variety of conditions.

Ways to Stay Active Over the 3-Day Weekend

Staying active over a holiday weekend might seem like a daunting task, but you can effectively get your relaxation time in while doing a few active things over MLK Day weekend. Below, Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope goes over a few ways to get your fitness in this weekend.

Yoga Class

Take a rigorous yoga class this weekend to do your body and spine some good. Some yoga routines out there are bonafide strength training workouts, while others are more geared toward decompression and relaxation.

Play a Pick-Up Game

Go down to your local park because there are sure to be people out and about. Play some pick-up basketball to meet new people and to get some cardio in. You’ll feel good about it afterward!

Take a Nature Hike

Go back to nature this weekend by going to a hike, walking around a nearby pond or body of water, or even just going for a brisk walk in your neighborhood.

Make sure to schedule a chiropractic adjustment if your MLK Day weekend activities put any amount of strain on your back, neck, or joints. Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope has a long track record of keeping our patients healthy and in the game!

3 Habits to Rid Yourself of This Year

As many of us solidify our New Year’s resolutions, it’s important to take note of the fact that it’s our everyday behaviors that are either going to propel us to victory or stand in our way and hold us back.

Below, Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope goes over a few negative habits that you should consider breaking this year to have a healthy and productive 2020.

1.) Self-Destructive Habits

Smoking, drinking, and engaging in any sort of behavior that puts your health at risk should be at the top of your list of behaviors to get rid of this year.

2.) Isolating

It’s natural for many of us to keep from ourselves and live on islands of sorts, however, that’s the opposite of what human beings were meant to do. We are at our best when we’re joined with communities and helping each other out. Of course, it’s great to enjoy solitude, but make sure that you have plenty of group activities that you engage in.

3.) Laziness

It’s natural for most of us to put in the least amount of effort and want the highest return on that minimal effort. That’s okay, however, it’s important to push past your laziness. Any time you identify an opportunity to go the extra mile — whether that’s for you or for someone else — try to do it!

Self-care is an important good habit to cultivate this year. Contact Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope to learn about how our treatments can help get the very best out of you in 2020.

Chiropractic Turns 125 Years Old in 2020

This year the chiropractic profession is set to enjoy its 125th year in practice. For those who are on the fence about whether or not to pursue the drug-free treatments of chiropractic, knowing that patients have been pursuing chiropractic as a viable treatment for pain, discomfort, joint problems, insomnia, and more for over a century might help them in making their decision.

Back in the year 1895 chiropractic treatment was first applied as D.D. Palmer adjusted Harvey Lillard in Davenport, Iowa. People from all walks of life and of all ages have been enjoying chiropractic adjustments ever since.

Now that it’s 2020, chiropractors around the world acknowledge the 125th anniversary of the founding of this amazing profession and gift that keeps on giving. To learn more about the healing and wellness benefits that chiropractic can bring to you, contact Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope today to schedule your consultation in order to learn more.

Dr. Thomas


In 1988, soon after graduating from New York Chiropractic College, Dr. Thomas opened her practice in Park Slope. She became a Diplomate in Chiropractic Neurology in 1990 and has maintained re-credentialing in this specialty. Dr. Thomas completed a 4 year Acupuncture program in Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, becoming a licensed practitioner in 1998.
She specialized in Neuro-Acupuncture, studying with the some of the most recognized TCM doctors in the field.
Dr. Thomas is also a certified Webster practitioner. This is a gentle technique that assists with a breech-presenting pregnancy by freeing the pelvis so the baby may move into a birth presentation.
Over her long career, Dr. Thomas established credentials as an expert in the fields of both Chiropractic and Acupuncture. She has given expert testimony in malpractice, personal injury and motor vehicle court cases. For several decades, she has taught Western Sciences at all 3 of the NYC Acupuncture colleges.
Currently, she sees patients on a limited schedule, helping those who can most benefit from her expertise.
Dr. T is an avid swimmer, cyclist and kayaker. In her glory days, she was a competitive swimmer, bike racer, runner and triathlete. Now she looks forward to visits with her grandchildren who live overseas with their parents who serve in the US military.

Dr. Fred Schmidt

Dr. Fred Schmidt has been in private practice in Long Island for more than
25 years. He is a graduate of Life University. He practices full spine
diversified technique, SOT, myofascial release, Thompson drop, Activator, and Flexion/Distraction traction. He is experienced in working with a wide
range of conditions & patients including athletes, weightlifters, pregnant,
and pediatrics.

In his free time, Dr. Fred keeps in shape by working out at the gym, jogging, and playing golf. He is happily married to his wife of more than 25 years,
who is also a chiropractor! He joins our practice Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Dr. Marlene Rivera

Dr. Marlene Rivera is a graduate of Sherman College of Chiropractic in SC.
She is trained in Webster Technique which is a gentle approach to treating pregnant women with a breech pregnancy. Without touching the baby, the technique mobilizes the pelvic joints and surrounding soft tissues. Not only does this relieve lower back pain but it helps the pelvis adjust to accommodate the baby. This may help provide room for the baby to more easily move into the birth position.
Dr Rivera is also a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician (CCSP). She has a strong background in competitive athletics and brings this experience and expertise to her patient care. She is versed in Cox Disc Decompression Flexion/Distraction, Thompson Drop, Gonstead and Diversified
Originally from Puerto Rico, Dr. Rivera is fluent in both English and Spanish.
You may see Dr Marlene enjoying Prospect
Park and our lovely Park Slope neighborhood. She currently sees patients on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Dr. Joshua Pickell


Dr. Joshua Pickell graduated Cum Laude from Life Chiropractic College West in 2020.

Since then, he has worked in a high-volume clinic as well as a low-volume elite athlete facility.

His training and experience includes full spinal and extremity adjusting, as well as TMJ care. He is an experienced practitioner of ART (Manual Therapy), myofascial release, stretching, cupping and is webster-certified.

We hope you will give Dr. Josh an opportunity to treat you and offer you his services to start the year off right! He joins our practice Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and alternating Saturdays.

Sashana Fuller LAc.

Sashana Fuller, L.Ac. is a board-licensed acupuncturist; receiving her
Masters of Science in Acupuncture from New York College of Traditional
Chinese Medicine. Since graduating, Sashana has continued to develop and
expand her clinical skills through the study of energy healing and healing
psycho-emotional trauma with acupuncture. She is a certified Reiki II
Energy Healing practitioner and areas of particular passion for Sashana
include helping you gain relief from myofascial pain, stress & anxiety
reduction, improving digestive function, and mood & hormone balancing.

Prior to her career in Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Sashana
achieved her BA in Forensic Psychology from John Jay College of Criminal
Justice. She worked in the Social Services sector where she supported
social programs in delivering quality and compassionate care to people
struggling with chronic mental health and substance abuse conditions.

A transplant from the island of Jamaica and a long-time Brooklyn resident,
Sashana loves to spend her time admiring the beauty of nature, meditating, and nostalgically watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer reruns. She currently
sees patients: Tuesdays, Thursdays, and alternating Saturdays.