The Importance of Postural Transitioning
Using postural transitions to your advantage.
Chances are you don’t want to remain locked into a stiff and stagnant position. But many of us end up this way because over time, our body learns that this is what we want, and our muscles respond to make this unhealthy posturing feel more comfortable. This is a trap! Even if your body feels better slouching, you are causing innumerable damages to your spine. At Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture, we want people to overcome stagnation by awareness. An ergonomically aware person should make at least one purposeful movement every 20 minutes of sitting or standing. These can be slight, like simply raising your feet onto a footrest from the floor, or stretching the back; or they can be more purposeful like standing up and walking to get a drink of water.
Postural transitions keep your core engaged
If your job involves a whole lot of one position, make sure that you listen to the signs of stiffness before they give way to pain. If you are interested in optimizing your work life and finding more ways to keep your body healthy despite the demands of your job, give our office in Park Slope a call to schedule an appointment today.
Acupuncture versus Injection for Back Pain
Acupuncture is effective at addressing neck pain
While painkilling injections quite often achieve their goal of reducing pain and helping people live a more normal life, there is every chance that the pain will come back and the necessity for injections will continue. Acupuncture seeks to encourage the body’s intrinsic healing response and addresses pain in the following ways:
- Stimulates nervous system response in muscles and connective tissues.
- Releases painkilling endorphins and alters the processing of pain in the brain
- Reduces inflammation
- Releases muscles from stiffness and improves spinal joint mobility
- Increases local circulation to provide nutrients and oxygen to the injurious region.
Acupuncture for neck pain in Park Slope
At our office in Brooklyn, we specialize in the treatment of neck pain through holistic methods including chiropractic adjustment and acupuncture therapy. If you are interested in overcoming your long standing neck pain, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today.
Acupuncture for Overuse Injuries
Keeping an eye on overuse injuries at Park Slope Chiropractic
Here is how to discern whether that dull aching is typical post-workout soreness or an indicator of something more serious:
- Soreness sets in during activity or shortly after
- Soreness in the same area over weeks.
- Most often felt in joints or the surrounding regions
Classic example of overuse injuries include: hip and elbow bursitis, tendinitis in the wrists, shoulder impingement syndrome and tennis elbow. These injuries are primarily joint-related and respond well to acupuncture treatment.
Acupuncture treatment for overuse injuries
Acupuncture is tailor-made for athletes because it focuses on regulating the flow of energy throughout the entire body, and can be specifically targeted to account for overuse injuries. Acupuncture enhances blood circulation to an injurious region, bringing nutrients and oxygen, and carrying away lymphatic material and other waste. This works to enhance the body’s ability to heal itself. At Park Slope Chiropractic, we specialize in using acupuncture to help athletes overcome overuse injuries. If you are interested in using our services to overcome an overuse injury, give our office in Brooklyn a call to schedule an appointment today.
Acupuncture for Shin Splints
Acupuncture for shin splints
Acupuncture is well-researched for its ability to reduce pain and increase circulation in an injurious region, helping improve the speed of healing while reducing swelling. While your body will most likely resolve shin splints on its own, it can always use a helping hand and acupuncture is the most natural hand you can lend with very few side-effects to offset its efficacy. Some athletes, especially professional ones, can’t afford the time off necessary to let shin splints fully heal by themselves. Acupuncture is a great way to speed the rate of recovery and get you back on the playing field.
Acupuncture for sports injuries
Acupuncture for shin splints is directed around the site of the injury, where the tissue is injured. By inserting needles along the edge of the tibia, we promote fast healing of the soft tissue. If you are interested in using acupuncture for sports injuries, give our office in Park Slope a call to schedule an appointment today.
Holistic Healthcare Starts Here
Holism is a philosophy
Holistic healthcare is born from the idea that we should treat the whole of the person in order to effect healing. In this line of thinking, a whole person consists of the body, mind and spirit and thus, treatments are most effective when they treat these three elements together. To delve into this philosophy further, consider that dysfunction in any one area (body, mind and spirit) or disharmony between the three can actually contribute to illness and injury in and of itself. Chiropractic medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine are both branches of healthcare that focus on the interconnectedness of the body, mind and spirit and use this connection to improve the body’s ability to heal itself and prevent injury from recurring.
TCM and Chiropractic are part of a holistic outlook on healthcare
There is a misconeption that TCM and chiropractic seek to replace allopathic treatment, which is certainly unfounded. Chiropractic and TCM instead seek to compliment traditional forms of treatment, and offer an alternative, non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical option in many cases. It’s no wonder that more and more surgeons are referring potential patients to our office in order to seek success with chiropractic before moving on to surgery when it comes to their musculoskeletal condition.
Holism as a way of life
In the end it is important to remember that holism is as much a way of life as it is a medical treatment. An important part of our job at Community Chiropracitc & Acupuncture in Park Slope is getting people to realize that many illnesses and injuries can be treated with a reasoned, conservative approach rather than jumping immediately into the deep end of pharmaceutical and surgical healthcare approaches which are the norm of Western medicine.
How Can You Benefit from A Chiropractic Neurologist
Chirorpactic neurology for brain and nervous system disorders
Without the significant risk for side-effects and health complications that come with surgery and prescription medication, chiropractic neurology seeks to treat brain and nervous system disorders in a safe and effective manner. Conditions treated by chiropractic neurology include:
- Chronic headaches
- Head trauma
- Stroke
- Spinal cord injury
- Nerve injury
At Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture, we focus on the areas of balance and coordination, sensory training, and specific physical exercise to improve cognitive function and ease the symptoms of neurological conditions. Furthermore, chiropractic adjustment is a useful modality for helping the nervous system functioning effectively.
Choosing chiropractic for conditions involving the brain and nervous system
Our office in Park Slope is fully accredited by the American Chiropractic Neurology Board and we have over 20 years in practice as an office of chiropractic neurology. When it comes to injuries of the brain and nervous system, no decision should be made lightly. If you are looking for a method of treatment that offers excellent prospects of success without the potential for side effects and complication that comes with neurosurgery or prescription medication, give our office in Park Slope a call to schedule an appointment today.
Chiropractic for Head Injuries
There is no such thing as a mild head injury
Each and every injury to the head should be treated with gravity and on a completely individual basis. While there are protocols for treating injuries such as concussions, any injury involving the head should be fully evaluated to ensure that there is no further closed head injury. It is important to always remember that significant brain trauma can exist with minimal external indication. Therefore, to prevent significant cognitive damage and death, all head injuries should be checked by a medical professional as soon as possible following the incident.
How chiropractors help in the wake of a head injury
Chiropractic seeks to help people with head injuries find relief from the pain and symptoms that accompany head injuries. These injuries are often accompanied by an injury to the neck, where the cervical vertebrae completely fill the spinal canal. Whiplash, or acute blunt force trauma to the head, will quite often cause damage to the vertebrae in the cervical segment, or at least move them out of alignment.
The upper cervical chiropractic adjustment seeks to address dysfunction stemming from compression of the spinal cord in the cervical segment. Any nerve compression here can cause dysfunction and referred pain in parts of the body seemingly unconnected to the injury. Furthermore, an injury to the spinal cord in the cervical segment can interfere with the nerves and blood vessels which supply the brain, causing debilitating headaches and localized pain. Upper cervical chiropractic adjustment seeks to release the spinal nerves from compression and restore alignment to the spine, thus alleviating many of the painful symptoms associated with head injuries.
If you are suffering from pain in the wake of a head injury and have found no success with traditional methods of treatment, it may be time to start the conversation on how chiropractic can help you. If you are interested in finding out more, give our office in Park Slope a call to schedule an appointment today.
Chiropractic for Concussions
Chiropractic treatment for concussion
There is no other way to treat concussions but with the utmost seriousness- if you are diagnosed with a concussion, you will need to take a break from your activity until the injury is fully healed. While the body will heal itself given enough time, chiropractic can help you heal faster and see symptoms subside quicker by addressing the misalignment of the spine which frequently accompanies concussions and exacerbates their symptoms. For example, cervicogenic headaches are quite common with concussion and a misalignment in the cervical vertebrae could be responsible for this. Once your symptoms subside, it is time to ease back into activity.
Fully trained and licensed for treating concussions
At Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture, we are a fully licensed chiropractic office that is trained in the detection and treatment of mild traumatic brain injury including concussion. Call our office to schedule an appointment today.
Optimize your Body’s Ability to Recover from Athletic Injuries
Sports injuries and the body’s response
Acute sports injuries most often include strained muscles and sprained joints. Essentially an acute injury is any injury that occurs suddenly during activity. Muscles are quite frequently strained when they are overstretched, causing a tear to the muscle or tendon. Chronic sports injuries occur when the body’s natural resilience is compromised and weak points in the body break down in response to repetitive strain. In both cases, the body attempts to heal itself, with varying levels of success. The body’s healing response often includes painful swelling and inflammation that in many cases adds to the healing time.
Acupuncture optimizes the body’s ability to heal itself
The importance of this cannot be stated enough. No matter the shape you are in, our bodies are incredibly resilient for preventing injury in the first place and incredibly adept at healing them once they happen. Unfortunately, the stresses that we put on our bodies often accumulate to become too much- and in this way they can use an extra layer of defense. Acupuncture is the natural force that facilitates the proper movement of energy through your body, allowing the body to heal and recover the way it should.
Acupuncture for athletes in Park Slope
We are specialists in using acupuncture for athletic injuries. Our acupuncture treatment is firmly rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine and focuses on balancing the athlete’s energy pathways to provide optimal functioning at all points of the athletic process. If you are interested in using acupuncture for optimizing your athletic life, give our office in Park Slope a call to schedule an appointment today.
Using Acupuncture to Improve Chances of Conception
Acupuncture for male infertility
Stagnation happens. In the male reproductive system, stagnation of the blood contributes to higher temperatures in the scrotum, decreased sperm production and an excess of metabolic waste products. Remember that optimal sperm production occurs at a temperature between 1-2 degrees celcius below your core temperature. Stagnation of blood in the male reproductive system is an important factor in solving male infertility; fortunately, acupuncture solves stagnation.
How acupuncture for male infertility works
Whether your sperm count or quality is below normal, acupuncture is a great choice for improving both factors and increasing your chance of conception. Acupuncture improves circulation that contributes to a cooler scrotum, more nutrients and less metabolic waste. At Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture, we are a fully licensed office of acupuncture that specializes in the treatment of infertility. If you are interested in using our services to address the quality of your sperm and increase the chance of conception for you and your partner, give our office in Park Slope a call to schedule an appointment today.