
The chiropractor Brooklyn Blog at Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture located in Park Slope, Brooklyn 11215, was started to let you know how we apply both Eastern and Western medical theory to establish a diagnosis and treatment plan designed specifically for each patient.

Furthermore, our goal is to help our patients enjoy an optimal quality of life with improved physical health, mental well-being, and a sense of spiritual tranquility.

chiropractor brooklyn blog pic

Take a look at some of our health tips below in our chiropractor Brooklyn blog for information about improving your life.


Deskercise: Fitness on the Job

By Karen

  Deskercise is about being a fitness ninja The first step is realizing how harmful a sit-heavy lifestyle is, especially for your spine. Studies show that even 2.5 hours of vigorous exercise a week does not fully offset the harm done by sitting 70% of every weekday. So let’s be sneaky: add in a bit of strengthening and movement without even standing up by deskercising.  When the thought occurs to you, try running through this deskercise checklist.  Ab squeeze: tighten abdominal muscles, hold 5-10 seconds, release. Repeat 15 times.  Glute…

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Breathing for Relaxation

By Karen

Breathing is an important tool in moments when you feel overwhelmed.  When you are stressed, your breathing becomes more shallow: the kind of quick, panicked breath that sees your chest expanding. With this kind of breathing, you are not getting nearly enough oxygen to nourish the cells in your body and brain, and stress escalates quickly. The solution is to first realize this is happening in the moment- you are overwhelmed and you need to regain control. A signal way to do this is to make a conscious effort to…

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body weight training

Body Weight Training

By Karen

What could be easier than body weight training? There is no money to be spent, no gym membership or dumbbell set, no need to go anywhere; your only investements are the pounds you already possess and a bit of time out of your day. Chances are you already know the basics of each exercise (a push up for example) and with a bit of planning, you could turn these basic exercises into a full body workout.  Body weight training is efficient Body weight training is efficient at helping maintain a…

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A Workout in Miniature

By Karen

“No time for a workout,” you say? On days when you can’t make it to the gym or you wake up with no ambition to go for that run, there are still things you can be doing to stimulate your brain and body. It just takes a little bit of creativity: workouts can be done in small doses (1-10 minutes) that still capture the same benefits as a full workout. A quick workout should: Get your heart rate up Move your muscles to remove them from a state of constant…

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seasonal depression

Seasonal Depression: What You Need to Know

By Karen

From winter fatigue to seasonal affective disorder, the grey months have a tendency of getting us down.  And there is a perfectly logical biological explanation: the shortage of daylight hours upends the hormone that controls sleep and waking cycles and leaves you feeling less energetic toward life. The hormone, known as melatonin, may be produced in greater quantities due to the lack of light, and this has a direct effect on mood and energy. There is nothing we can do about the quality of light during winter, so managing your…

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low back

Making the Low Back your Best Friend

By Karen

The anatomy of the lumbar region is the key to its importance. Located in the lower back are the five largest vertebrae by diameter in the spinal column. These five bones are the literal backbone of a region whose primary importance is bearing the weight of the upper body. Exiting the spinal column at this level is a network of nerves called the lumbar plexus which influences the very basis of movement- the mechanics of the abdomen and legs. Why is the lumbar region so often injured?  There are many…

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shoulder pain

Tightness in the Shoulders and Upper Back

By Karen

Chronically tight shoulders What does it mean to have chronically tight shoulders? It means leaving work every day with that twinge of tightness at the base of the neck; that slight bit of pain that can be felt when we articulate our shoulders overhead. We become so used to it because we can function without fixing it, but is this how we go about other problems? Maintenance of our body is like the maintenance of a house or car: pain and stiffness are the signals that tell your brain something needs to…

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The Importance of the Posterior Chain

By Karen

The posterior chain is a group of oft-neglected, yet crucial muscles that define the backside of your body, including muscles of the lower back, the glutes, hamstrings and calves. Sit-heavy lifestyles conspire to wreak havoc with this muscle chain, leaving our hip flexors and quads shorter and tighter and creating a domino effect which destabilizes the lower back. The glutes are key muscles in this process- when they become weak or inhibited, it is a clear sign that the posterior chain is at least partially compromised. Range of motion must…

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use me

Breathing Slower

By Karen

As a society, we are actively attempting to unlearn proper breathing technique and it has enormous ramifications on quality of life. If you were only drawing 2/3 of the oxygen you could, and not expelling enough CO2 you would be severely disadvantaging yourself, yet this is what we are choosing to do in the face of air pollution, sit-heavy lifestyles, poor diets and lack of awareness regarding posture. In essence, many of us are only capturing the amount of oxygen needed to plod along, but not enough to prosper and feel…

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De-stressing on the Job

By Karen

Start the countdown…120 seconds isn’t long but it is long enough to refresh your body and mind and return to work with a more positive and productivity-oriented perspective. Stress on the job usually centers around the concept of too much work, too little time, and while there may be various parties responsible for creating this quandary, only you can extract yourself and ensure you keep your sanity along with your job. The reason I choose two minutes is because it is just long enough to refresh, but not long enough…

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Moreover, at Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture we are committed to providing individualized and compassionate patient care.

Dr. Karen Thomas founded the practice over 30 years ago with the express purpose of providing leading-edge healthcare to the Park Slope community.

As a result, the practice has grown considerably since then, and moved from its original location at Lincoln Place and Sixth Avenue to Eighth Avenue at Union Street, to its present location at 182 8th Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11215

We want you to know that we are prepared for you.

Furthermore, for the protection of our customers and our employees, we’ve followed the guidance of the W.H.O. and the I.C.C. and their directions to business owners.

Additionally, we have disinfected all surfaces and implemented recommended strategies to keep safe distances between all customers and employees to prevent any transmission.

In conclusion, our team is on top of the most current information available to businesses.

We are open for business.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions about your health at 718-398-3100

We all speak English and...

Dr. Gabe is fluent in Spanish and Portuguese

Dr. Thomas speaks some Spanish but is not fluent

Yolanda, our office manager is fluent in Spanish

Steve, our front office assistant speaks some Chinese but is not fluent

Sofia, our medical biller is fluent in Russian