Posts by Karen
3 Signs You Might be Gluten-Intolerant
Gluten-intolerance – sometimes referred to as non-celiac gluten sensitivity – is a disorder where an individual is unable to tolerate gluten and experiences symptoms similar to those with celiac disease, but they lack the same antibodies and intestinal damage as seen in celiac disease.
If you have been suffering from unusual symptoms after ingesting gluten, it may be possible that you have non-celiac gluten sensitivity.
Here are 3 signs you might be gluten-intolerant:
Bloating is an uncomfortable fullness and gassiness that sometimes occurs after eating. Although bloating is very common and can have many explanations, it may also be a sign of gluten intolerance. In fact, feeling bloated is one of the most common complaints of people who are sensitive or intolerant to gluten
Frequent Diarrhea
Occasional diarrhea is completely normal, but it may be a concern if it happens regularly. Furthermore, individuals with celiac disease may experience pale and foul-smelling feces due to poor nutrient absorption. Frequent diarrhea can cause some major health concerns, such as loss of electrolytes, dehydration, and fatigue.
Persistent Fatigue
Gluten-intolerant individuals are prone to fatigue and tiredness because their bodies can’t absorb nutrients properly. If you are experiencing persistent fatigue that doesn’t improve with proper rest, then you should explore the possibility of an underlying cause.
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms above, it is important to address the underlying cause. Incorporating regular chiropractic care into your lifestyle may help your body recover more quickly from the stress of gluten intolerance. Contact Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope today to learn more about how chiropractic treatments along with a healthy diet can change your life.
3 Tips to Reduce Inflammation
Inflammation is a process where the body responds, protecting us from infection (bacteria and viruses), injury, or trauma. Some diseases and chronic conditions (called autoimmune diseases) causes the body’s immune system to do damage to its own tissue. The body starts responding as though normal tissues are infected or abnormal.
Inflammation has been linked to mental illness, diabetes, cancer, and dementia. Below are a few ways to reduce inflammation. But, fear not. There’s a lot you can do to reduce inflammation and prevent inflammation-related disease.
1.) Change Your Diet
Processed sugars and carbohydrates trigger an inflammatory response in your body. Instead, load up on berries (which are packed with antioxidants), eat your greens and eat plenty of clean, lean protein.
2.) Do & Be
Taking the time to exercise, but also taking the time for yoga, meditation, and relaxation are all crucial in reducing inflammation, which can be triggered by stress, lack of activity, and obesity.
3.) Chiropractic Treatment
Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to help in reducing inflammation — in both joint injuries and sinus-related issues. Our goal at Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope is to help our patients build a healthy lifestyle. We have a long track record of keeping our patients healthy and well.
A Primer on Proper Lifting Technique
Many injuries that occur in and out of work have to do with hauling around heavy objects and failing to demonstrate proper lifting technique. There are a few measures you can take to protect yourself in those instances where you have to carry heavy objects so you don’t end up getting an injury in or out of work.
Below are a few ways to improve your lifting technique in order to avoid back injuries that 80% of the population experiences over the course of their lifetime, injuries that keep you sidelined from work and play.
Keep a Wide Base
Make sure that your feet are shoulder-width apart with one foot slightly ahead of the other, which will ensure you don’t buckle or fall backward or forward.
Lift with Those Legs
Instead of lifting with your back, put the pressure on your legs, which are much better designed to handle such pressure.
Squat, Don’t Bend
Instead of bending over to lift an object (which can seriously tweak your spine), squat down to lift, which will promote proper lifting technique to help you avoid injury.
If you experience an injury from improper lifting technique, contact Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope today. We have a long, demonstrated history of keeping our patients healthy and well.
The Versatility of Chiropractic Care
At Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope we like to remind our patients of the many health benefits chiropractic care stands to offer once explored.
To put it simply, chiropractic adjustments aren’t just great for your back, neck, and spine — they’re also great for other areas of the body, like the joints and legs. Chiropractic adjustments have also been shown to improve the mind/body balance, helping you boost your cognitive functionality, improve your range of motion, improve flexibility, and minimize overall pain.
Below are a few additional benefits that chiropractic has to offer that you might not know about.
Reduce Arthritic Pain
Chirorpactic adjustments offer a drug-free pain solutions to our patients, even those who live with arthritis on a daily basis.
A Great Post-Workout Treat
Chiropractic adjustments are the perfect antidote to a rigorous training regiment.
A Serious Stress Reliever
Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to boost mood, reduce stress and overall anxiety, not to mention promote more restful sleep in patients who utilize chiropractic treatments regularly.
If you have any additional questions about how chiropractic care can benefit you, contact Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope today to schedule your consultaion. We have a long track record of improving the lives of a diverse client base.
3 Things You Might Now Know About Acupuncture
At Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope we specialize in chiropractic care treatments as well as acupuncture — two classic, all-natural, drug-free solutions to pain, stress, injury, and a variety of additional health conditions that might be affecting you on a daily basis.
Below we go over a few facts about acupuncture, which is a treatment many folks have many preceonceived notions about but have never experienced the treatment firsthand.
1.) Acupuncture is Low on Pain
Bet you didn’t know that acupuncture is actually not painful at all. You may feel a dullness or tingling sensation at the treatment site, but the sensation will be more pleasant than painful. Just the opposite, acupuncture is meant to REDUCE your overall pain.
2.) Acupuncture Can Help You Achieve Your Idea Body Weight
Some patients successfully lose weight with the help of acupuncture, which helps take the pressure off their back, spine, and joints during everyday activity. Paricipants in recent studies saw their BMI drop by up to 6% and had less body fat due to acupuncture in addition to making some simple changes in their lifestyle.
3.) Acupuncture Can Boost Your Mood
Did you know that acupuncture can actually help relieve depression and boost your mood? Patients observed who went through acupuncture treatments alongside their regular treatments compared to patients who didn’t pursue acupuncture with their normal treatment experienced a significant reduction in overall depression.
To learn more about how acupuncture can benefit you on a daily basis, contact Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope today. We have a long track record of keeping our patients healthy and well.
Chiropractic Care for Kids
Many people out there associate chiropractic care with patients who are more advanced in age or those who experience a back injury. However, the immense benefits of chiropractic care can be experienced by patients of all ages, especially children and teens.
The truth is, being a kid is hard on your body! The expression “growing pains” exist for a reason. Kids also spend a lot of time in less-than-ergonomic chairs, lugging around heavy backpacks, and also engaging in extracurricular activities that can put stress on a growing body.
Below are a few ways that chiropractic care helps kids.
All Natural Growing Pain Relief
Growing pains are painful, hence the name. Chirorpactic care will help address pain related issues the all-natural way, leaving your child feeling well-adjusted and ready to take on the world.
More Restful Sleep
Sleep can be difficult when your child is experiencing muscle tension, discomfort, or dysfunction. Chiropractic care alleviates such issues and can ultimately improve your child’s sleep cycles, helping them get the rest they need to have a great day.
Improved Mood
Kids can often be moody or prone to exhibiting poor behavior when their body balance is out of whack. Chiropractic care helps in reducing problems that occur within the neurological system which results in improved mood and behavior.
If you have any additional questions about how your child can benefit from chiropractic care, contact Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope today to schedule you and your child’s consultation.
3 Ways to Have a Healthy, Productive Summer
As we speed through June and the summer season commences, it’s a good idea to have a plan for your health and wellness. A big part of staying healthy and well is keeping up with your scheduled chiropractic adjustments, but we’d also like to go over a few easy measures you can take from this month through August to increase your overall wellbeing.
Read on for a few ways to stay on top of your game… and your health!
1.) Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is crucial and especially so if you live in a hot, dry area and you’re living an active lifestyle. Drink half your body weight in ounces each day for good measure — more, if you’re a runner or athlete.
2.) Get Outside
Taking your fitness routine outdoors will improve your mood and boost your wellness. Just make sure to bring plenty of sunblock. Cover your skin and seek refuge from harmful UV rays in the shade this summer.
3.) Do Something New
Whether it’s taking a yoga class, or seeing what this whole chiropractic treatment thing is all about, try to mix up your routine to unlock new health benefits.
If you have any questions about who we are, what we do, and how our treatments can benefit your life on a daily basis, contact Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope today.
End of Q2 Check-In
Many of us make a few fairly specific goals at the beginning of the year, but few of us stay with them all year long. As May has come to a close and June comes into fruition, it’s a great opportunity to assess where you are and where you need to be in order to reach your 2019 health and wellness goals.
Below are a few questions you can ask yourself to make sure you’re on track.
Am I REALLY On Track?
How’s your cardio, your diet, and staying up on your regular visits with your physician, and, preferably, your chiropractor? Making sure that you’re staying diligent about your nutrition, how you’re staying active, and staying current on giving your body the space and opportunity it needs to regenerate.
How Do I Feel?
Pay attention to your body. If you’ve been staying up on your diet, strength training, staying active, and doing active recovery like yoga and chiropractic adjustments, your body and mind should be at an all time high.
Where Can I Improve?
Chances are, even if you’re putting a lot of sweat equity into your wellness routine, there’s probably one or two areas that you’re consistently slacking in. Usually that will tend to be mindfullness, recovery, and stretching.
A great way to assess where you’re at physically is to schedule a consultation with Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope today. We have a long track record of keeping our patients healthy and well.
Q2 Check-In: What’s Up with Your Wellness?
Many of us make fairly specific goals at the first of the year, only to have our ambitions diminish after the first few months. Doing an end of Q2 spot-check on yourself is a great way to see how your actions have been stacking up against your goals.
Below are a few ways to judge whether or not you’ve had a successful Q2, which will give you new direction heading into Q3 of 2019.
How Do You Feel?
If you’ve been staying active and eating healthy, you might notice a change in how you think and feel compared to when you weren’t making such informed decisions. If you’re feeling great, keep doing what you’re doing (and maybe even do more of it!). If you’re feeling lousy, maybe it’s time to rethink a few things.
Is There Room for Improvement?
The answer is always yes. Try to adjust your goals and recalibrate for the rest of the year. Improve upon any weak areas and continue to double-down on your strong areas.
Do More Cardio
We could always be doing more cardio. Making sure we mix it up with running, hiking, climbing, paddleboarding, and more will help make sure you’re not getting bored with the hours of cardio a week you want to be putting in.
Schedule an Appointment with Your Chiropractor
Scheduling an end of Q2 appointment with your chirorpactor is essential to gauging where your body is and how it is responding to your wellness routine. Contact Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope to schedule your consultation today!
Having a Safe, Healthy and Happy Memorial Day
At Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope we provide chiropractic care and wellness services that help your patients achieve a better quality of life on a daily basis. But we also provide education to our patients that will help them optimize their health and wellness, which will end up paying off in dividends!
Below are a few tips we give in order to have a safe and healthy Memorial Day weekend.
Stay Active
If you’re planning on taking a trip to the beach, try to hike a mile or two before you sit in the sun. Swimming for 20-45 minutes is also a great way to get a workout in before Memorial Day festivities.
Eat Healthy
In lieu of hot dogs and hamburgers try to opt for veggie burgers or find a way to incorporate fruits and vegetables. Your body and brain will thank you!
Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated should actually be at the top of the list. Long periods out in the sun (especially if adult beverages in play) can seriously dehydrate the body. Drink at least half your body weight in ounces while you’re out and about.
If you experience an injury during Memorial Day or if you’re simply due for a chiropractic adjustment, contact Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture of Park Slope today to schedule your consultation.