Winter Wellness
Feeling your winter best
Your immune and nervous systems fight hard in cold weather; they are often worn down more quickly in winter than in other seasons, hence the seasonal cold, and the outbreaks of flu during cold months. Operating on the idea that the odds are slightly stacked against your nervous and immune systems during winter, holistic medicine attempts to tip the scale back in their favor. Using chiropractic adjustments to establish spinal alignment and balance, your nervous system is less encumbered. Acupuncture balances the body further by stimulating circulation, nourishing all parts of your body with nutrient and oxygen-rich blood and cycling away waste products.
Winter is a grind
Our services ensure that the cold, dark New York winter doesn’t get the best of you. Many of our patients find that with regular attention to their physical and mental balance, they are able to avoid seasonal illness completely. If you are interested in finding out more about our holistical wellness plan for winter, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today.