Vitamins and how to find them

Support your spine through vitamin consciousness! We can show you how at Community Chiropractic and Acupuncture in Park Slope.  I want you to know what vitamins do for you and what foods to look for in your search for health. An important part of vitamin intake is making sure that the food you purchase is of a high quality. Many processed, non-organic foods are stripped of the essential nutrients they would otherwise contain. With that being said, here is an alphabetical list of vitamins and how they contribute to back health, followed by what foods contain them.

Vitamin Food Source
A: Immune system support, tissue repair

Dairy, orange fruits and green vegetables

Look for: sweet potatoes and carrots, kale and apricots

B12: Bone marrow support

Red meat, dairy, fish and eggs

Look for: fortified cereals (bran products), fortified milk, shellfish and beef liver

C: Collagen production (helps repair herniated discs and repair tissue). Great for the healing and repair of a worn spine.

Fruit and vegetable

Look for: citrus, tomato, broccoli, green/red peppers

D: Calcium absorption. Keep bones strong and fight osteoporosis!

Look for:Fish oil, sunlight, mushrooms, egg yolks, and fortified milk

K: Calcium complement Look for: Leafy greens, cauliflower, cabbage. Eggs and meat, particularly fish also carry vitamin K in smaller amounts.

Having a healthy complement of all these vitamins is essential to back care, whether you are seeking to repair a damaged spine or prevent injury. There are a world of other benefits to be reaped from having vitamins in the proper proportions. If you are looking for someone in Park Slope to talk to about adding vitamins into your diet, we can help. Contact us at (718) 398-3100 or come and see us at our office in Brooklyn today.

Karen A. Thomas D.C., L.Ac.

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