The Pre-Breakfast Stretching Routine of Champions
In the morning, focus on spinal elongation
No matter what your job is, the likelihood is high that your spine will undergo a lot of compression throughout the day. Sitting and standing, depending on your posture, each contribute varying degrees of downward pressure on your vertebrae and the discs which separate them. Starting your spine off on the right food means that you start the process of fighting against this compression from the word go, each and every day. Any morning routine that accounts for your back should include stretches that focus on spinal elongation and, by extension, decompression. Here is a little three minute routine that can set you off nicely:
- Start by resting in child’s pose and welcoming the new day with deep breathing
- Next choose downward-facing dog, a gentle stretch that provides full spinal decompression
- Finish with cat and then cow stretch, two poses that alleviate pressure on the intervertebral discs
The benefits of starting your day with stretching are too good to ignore. These stretches will make getting through a full day of work easier, by boosting circulation, improving range of motion and alleviating tension from the musculature that supports your spine. As with any new exercise regime, you should always consult with a medical professional before beginning. We are standing by at our new office in Brooklyn to help you make your daily life more comfortable.