Acupuncture for the Modern Athlete: Motor Point Needling

acupuncture for athletic performance

How motor point needling works

Acupuncture points, found along the body’s energy meridians, often coincide with crucial points in the musculoskeletal network known as motor points. Motor points are the specific locations at which nerves enter the muscle. Gently inserting an acupuncture needle essentially resets a contracted muscle at the point of its nerve attachment, allowing for relaxation of the muscle, improved joint function and less pain. This is a perfect example of how an ancient form of medicine is brought forward into the 21st century to great effect. 

Acupuncture for improving athletic performance

Motor point needling is just one of the ways we are helping athletes treat their bodies using effective, holistic modalities. If you are interested in using acupuncture to improve your athletic performance in a natural manner, give our office in Brooklyn a call to schedule an appointment today. 

Acupuncture Boosts your Athletic Lifestyle

Acupuncture for athletes in Park Slope, Brooklyn

Acupuncture for athletes in Park Slope

Acupuncture is effective for athletes because of a variety of factors: 

  • It is personalized to the individual
  • It is 100% natural 
  • It harnesses the body’s innate healing power
  • It is non-pharmaceutical 
  • It balances the body

When we meet with an athlete who is considering acupuncture treatment, we have a conversation to determine their specific goals: are you managing on ongoing or recurrent injury? Are you lacking in flexibility? Does it take you too long in between sessions to recover to a normal threshold? 

From here we select a personalized map of acupuncture points in order to treat said person’s unique needs. In terms of healing, acupuncture is especially effective at treating inflammation and reducing swelling, boosting range of motion and reducing pain. If you are interested in finding out more about acupunctures role in an athletic lifestyle, give our office in Brooklyn a call to schedule an appointment today. 

How we Help Athletes Reach their Goals

Athletic performance in Brooklyn

Chiropractic can be an important component of any athlete’s health plan 

No matter what your sport or level of intensity, the human body can only take so much. Whether due to acute injury or repetitive trauma, the body is likely to take on strain and stress that result in pain. Listening to your body is an important part of preventing this pain from becoming somethine more serious. At our office in Park Slope, we help athletes stay on top of their pain and optimize the nervous system so that they gain an edge in competition. 

Staying ahead of the competition with chiropractic care 

  • Mitigating the trauma: every sport has a unique set of demands for your body. We monitor the musculoskeletal health of your body as it goes through the different phases of development and specialization inherent in yours. 
  • Improving circulation: oxygenating muscles and facilitating the removal of waste products like lactic acid help your muscles repair and rebuild faster; it also brings nutrients to areas that are in need of repair. 
  • Protecting range of motion: alleviating nerve compression helps you feel less pain and move more freely. 
  • Preventing pain: by ensuring your body is balanced before your workout, we prevent injury from occuring to the joints, muscles and nerves that come under duress during workout. 

Chiropractic for athletes in the Park Slope neighborhood 

Chiropractic directly impacts athletic performance, making it a viable choice for athletes of all styles and abilities. If you are interested in learning more about how chiropractic can help you in your athletic life, give our office in Park Slope a call to schedule an appointment today.