Guest Blog Post: Alternative Medicine for Pets

natural pet care

A short guide to caring for your pet naturally

The purpose of this article is to educate pet owners first and foremost. How?

Many people are unaware that it is possible to treat their pets with complimentary medicine like acupuncture and even better, to save their lives (yes, unfortunately, many pet owners resort to euthanasia because they don’t know that other treatments exist…not to mention natural as well).

There is so much to gain from treating your pet with alternative medicine (avoiding euthanasia, decreasing side effecrs, gentler treatments, etc) and few people know it…so this artice is our means of helping animals and their owners. We have interviewed several veterinarians who are quoted in the article and who also want to get the message out there. 

To find out more read here:


Why Athletes Should Care About Asymmetry

solve asymmetry in park slope

Athletes care about balance

So what does a balanced body look like? From a physical standpoint, it means that your body is in equilibrium- that unquantifiable state of being in which the different parts of your body work together in perfect harmony to support one another and distribute pressure equally. Even the least active person in the world is going to incur some pressure throughout the day, (chiefly through sitting, one of the hardest positions on the human body); a balanced body ensures that your likelihood for injury is at a minimum and your ability to perform your best is maintained. And of course, a balanced body begins with a properly aligned spine. 

Asymmetry in the body sets the stage for injury 

So what happens when your spine falls out of alignment? Asymmetry is a common result- one side of the body different than the other which usually translates to one side of the body incurring more pressure than the other. There are many factors that pull your spine out of alignment, including the presence of muscle tension, reduced mobility or pain that causes you to favor one side over the other. 

How does chiropractic address asymmetry and maintain balance in Park Slope

We start with a comprehensive physical examination to determine whether asymmetry is affecting your muscular development or if subluxation is hindering your physical development in any way. Using chiropractic adjustments, we restore alignment to the spine, increase range of motion and reduce pain. If you have tight muscles that are creating a pull on the body, we use modalities such as trigger point therapy and active release technique to release soft tissues from tension. 

Combating Scar Tissue Build-Up for Athletes

scar tissue park slope

What happens when scar tissue builds up?

When soft tissues are damaged, whether due to acute injuries such as pulls, tears and strains, or due to repetitive trauma such as the accumulation of small tears in the muscle, scar tissue is a natural side-effect. Scar tissue forms in response to these injuries as part of the normal healing process- it is unavoidable.

The problem is that this new scar tissue is tougher and denser than what came before- it can bind to healthy tissue and create an epicenter of tightness that will make it diffult to move without pain. Scar tissue can even trap a nerve, leading to feelings of numbing and weakness that can be scary for athletes who are used to having an elevated range of motion. 

What can athletes in the Park Slope area do about scar tissue build up?

While scar tissue is an unavoidable byproduct of healing, there are steps you can take to minimize it. While it is prudent to avoid stretching the injured region so as to avoid creating tension surrounding the injury, it is important to return to a full schedule of movement as soon as possible after an injiury. This helps to prevent excessive scar tissue from forming. 

How can we help athletes in Park Slope minimize scar tissue and maximize their performance?

At our office in Park Slope, we offer services such as the Active Release Technique which seeks to facilitate the mobility of soft tissue after injury. This is an instrument-assisted adjustment that increases blood flow, decreases scar tissue and helps to improve range of motion following injury. Hands-on techniques including massage are also helpful for penetrating the soft tissue and encouraging a faster healing process with less scar tissue.