
The chiropractor Brooklyn Blog at Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture located in Park Slope, Brooklyn 11215, was started to let you know how we apply both Eastern and Western medical theory to establish a diagnosis and treatment plan designed specifically for each patient.

Furthermore, our goal is to help our patients enjoy an optimal quality of life with improved physical health, mental well-being, and a sense of spiritual tranquility.

chiropractor brooklyn blog pic

Take a look at some of our health tips below in our chiropractor Brooklyn blog for information about improving your life.

Don’t Go Too Crazy

By Karen | October 30, 2023

Optimal Spine Health During the Holiday Season The holiday season, a time of merriment and indulgence, often involves a plethora of delectable but inflammation-triggering foods. While it might not be the most festive topic to discuss around the holiday table, it’s crucial to be aware of how these culinary choices can affect your well-being, especially if you suffer from back pain. With a dash of awareness, you can savor the festivities while taking care of your spine’s health. After all, a little vigilance regarding inflammatory foods can reap countless benefits…

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Rehabilitating Herniated Discs

By Karen | October 23, 2023

In the pursuit of rehabilitating your herniated disc, we emphasize a straightforward and practical approach. Our primary objective is to assist you in managing your condition, with a primary focus on alleviating pain. While an initial period of rest may be advisable, it’s crucial to recognize that your muscles require consistent conditioning to facilitate a proper recovery. Exercise plays a pivotal role in complementing chiropractic care as we work together to restore your full health. In our care, you can expect chiropractic adjustments aimed at restoring joint mobility and hands-on…

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When Running

By Karen | October 13, 2023

If you have been swept off your feet and into the running revolution, we hope you will pay attention to your form as you go. Proper posture while running is one of the easiest ways to prevent injury to your spinal joints.  Our number one tip is to vary your running surfaces: running on concrete is incredibly hard on the shock-absorbing structures of the body, and it will cause them to degrade very quickly as opposed to running on softer surfaces.  Focus on posture: fight the urge to let your head…

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Vitamin D: Free for a Limited Time

By Karen | October 2, 2023

Vitamin D: one of the most important nutrients in the human diet. From the chiropractor’s perspective, vitamin D is essential because of its contribution to bone density and nervous system regulation. In the summer, it is abundant and free of charge: the sun is our most significant source of vitamin D. We simply need to sit outside and our body will naturally produce it when exposed to direct sunlight.  Some quick benefits of vitamin D Recommended intake: 10 minutes of pre-sunscreen exposure to the sun per day.  Intake by food:  Vitamin…

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Hydrating for Joint Health

By Karen | September 25, 2023

I have demonstrated the importance of staying hydrated for overall well-being. Now let’s look at hydration from the point of view of someone suffering from joint pain. There are hundreds of proffered remedies on the web, in medical journals, at the doctor’s office, or in the health food store. But one that all experts should universally agree upon is the importance of hydration for joint health. However, it is often overlooked as a part of a health plan to deal with joint pain and stiffness.  Joint supplements often contain a…

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Stress Free Gardening

By Karen | September 14, 2023

Gardening is supposed to soothe the body, mind, and soul. Of this triad, one is more vulnerable to becoming strained and that is the body: the lifting, twisting, pulling, and sweating involved with a day in the garden can leave a spine imbalanced. The last thing you want to feel while trying to relax and reap the benefit of your garden is a twinge in the lower back or a muscle spasm in the shoulder region. Follow these tips to keep gardening stress-free for the body: Finally, stay well adjusted: chiropractic…

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Vacation For Health

By Karen | September 3, 2023

The summer of 2023 is entering its final chapter and there are school bells ringing in the distance. What better time to take a vacation? Seeking adventure in remote mountains, serenity on tropical beaches, and fine dining in busy cities is what we work so hard for during the year. Often, these journeys require time spent in the cramped confines of an airplane, which can be torture for ailing spines. Airplane seats are rarely designed ergonomically; in fact, we are lucky if they are even designed for comfort! Checking in…

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Elongating the Spine

By Karen | August 24, 2023

It may sound like the outcome of a medieval torture tool, but we promise it is not! At our office, we focus on spinal elongation to combat the effects of spinal degeneration. As we grow older, the concepts of posture, exercise, and nutrition become as important as they are easy to ignore. Days turning into months of hard work in the office accelerate the natural process of human body degradation. In short, it is something we all share, the reality that our bodies degrade over time. However, it is within…

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Nutrition for Joint Health

By Karen | August 7, 2023

When it comes to strengthening the spine, food is one of your most formidable allies. Nutrition is fun because you can apply it to whatever scale you are thinking about: as chiropractors, we find nutrition to be particularly helpful in managing the health of joints. Joint aching and pain is generally thought of as a problem for the elderly. Recent studies show that it is much more prolific: arthritis, which is a blanket term to include all kinds of conditions that cause joint pain and stiffness, can affect people of…

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Caloric Balance Helps Balance Your Life

By Karen | July 25, 2023

Using nutrition to manage weight is a win-win from a wellness chiropractor’s perspective. We want people to realize that nutrition is the single greatest way to maintain a healthy, “feel-great” weight. When it comes to maintaining a healthy weight, it is important to first establish an appreciation for healthy, wholesome ingredients. Reminding yourself of the Caloric Balance Equation can help anyone balance out their diet quickly and it’s really easy to remember: calories in = calories out.  Caloric balance is the balance between calories you consume and calories you burn through…

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Moreover, at Community Chiropractic & Acupuncture we are committed to providing individualized and compassionate patient care.

Dr. Karen Thomas founded the practice over 30 years ago with the express purpose of providing leading-edge healthcare to the Park Slope community.

As a result, the practice has grown considerably since then, and moved from its original location at Lincoln Place and Sixth Avenue to Eighth Avenue at Union Street, to its present location at 182 8th Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11215

We want you to know that we are prepared for you.

Furthermore, for the protection of our customers and our employees, we’ve followed the guidance of the W.H.O. and the I.C.C. and their directions to business owners.

Additionally, we have disinfected all surfaces and implemented recommended strategies to keep safe distances between all customers and employees to prevent any transmission.

In conclusion, our team is on top of the most current information available to businesses.

We are open for business.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions about your health at 718-398-3100

We all speak English and...

Dr. Gabe is fluent in Spanish and Portuguese

Dr. Thomas speaks some Spanish but is not fluent

Yolanda, our office manager is fluent in Spanish

Steve, our front office assistant speaks some Chinese but is not fluent

Sofia, our medical biller is fluent in Russian