Acupuncture is Proving A Powerful Non-Pharmacological Tool for Treating Headache Symptoms
How does acupuncture directly address headache symptoms?
- By relaxing muscular tension
- Reducing pain by releasing endorphins and enkephalins
- By regulating blood flow and the body’s circulatory response
- Regulating the central and autonomic nervous system
Acupuncture is not for everyone’s headaches. It is important that we take the time to exhaustively detail your medical history, symptoms and current condition. By determining what types of headaches you suffer from, we can create a coordinated treatment plan that includes chiropractic and acupuncture techniques to naturally treat your symptoms.
Thanks to clinical research, acupuncture is being proven as a non-pharmacological method for managing tension headaches. If you are interested in making acupuncture a part of your healthcare routine, give our office in Park Slope a call to schedule an appointment today.