chinese medicine Brooklyn

Our Team

chinese medicine Brooklyn Park Slope

chinese medicine Brooklyn Park Slope

Dr. Ernst David

Dr. David is a graduate of Logan University in Chesterfield, Missouri where he obtained his doctorate degree in Chiropractic and a masters in Nutrition and Human Performance. Originally from Haiti, Dr. David is also fluent in English, French and Creole.

He is trained and experienced in full spine manual adjustment, Gonstead, activator technique, Thompson Drop, ART, and Graston. He stands by his motto, “Your health is my priority.”

Dr. David works with us part time on Tuesdays and Saturdays. In his spare time, he enjoys relaxing with his wife and three children.

Dr. Sashana Fuller LAc.

Sashana Fuller, L.Ac. is a board-licensed acupuncturist; receiving her
Masters of Science in Acupuncture from New York College of Traditional
Chinese Medicine. Since graduating, Sashana has continued to develop and
expand her clinical skills through the study of energy healing and healing
psycho-emotional trauma with acupuncture. She is a certified Reiki II
Energy Healing practitioner and areas of particular passion for Sashana
include helping you gain relief from myofascial pain, stress & anxiety
reduction, improving digestive function, and mood & hormone balancing.

Prior to her career in Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Sashana
achieved her BA in Forensic Psychology from John Jay College of Criminal
Justice. She worked in the Social Services sector where she supported
social programs in delivering quality and compassionate care to people
struggling with chronic mental health and substance abuse conditions.

A transplant from the island of Jamaica and a long-time Brooklyn resident,
Sashana loves to spend her time admiring the beauty of nature, meditating, and nostalgically watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer reruns. She currently
sees patients: Tuesdays, Thursdays, and alternating Saturdays.

Dr. Josh Pickell

Dr. Josh Pickell graduated Cum Laude from Life Chiropractic College West in 2020.

Since then, he has worked in a high-volume clinic as well as a low-volume elite athlete facility.

His training and experience includes full spinal and extremity adjusting, as well as TMJ care. He is an experienced practitioner of ART (Manual Therapy), myofascial release, stretching and cupping.

We hope you will give Dr. Josh an opportunity to treat you and offer you his services to start the year off right! He joins our practice everyday except Tuesdays & Sundays.

Dr. Marlene Rivera

Dr. Marlene Rivera is a graduate of Sherman College of Chiropractic in SC.
She is trained in Webster Technique which is a gentle approach to treating pregnant women with a breech pregnancy. Without touching the baby, the technique mobilizes the pelvic joints and surrounding soft tissues. Not only does this relieve lower back pain but it helps the pelvis adjust to accommodate the baby. This may help provide room for the baby to more easily move into the birth position.
Dr Rivera is also a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician (CCSP). She has a strong background in competitive athletics and brings this experience and expertise to her patient care. She is versed in Cox Disc Decompression Flexion/Distraction, Thompson Drop, Gonstead and Diversified
Originally from Puerto Rico, Dr. Rivera is fluent in both English and Spanish.
You may see Dr Marlene enjoying Prospect
Park and our lovely Park Slope neighborhood. She currently sees patients on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Dr. Fred Schmidt

Dr. Fred Schmidt has been in private practice in Long Island for more than
25 years. He is a graduate of Life University. He practices full spine
diversified technique, SOT, myofascial release, Thompson drop, Activator, and Flexion/Distraction traction. He is experienced in working with a wide
range of conditions & patients including athletes, weightlifters, pregnant,
and pediatrics.

In his free time, Dr. Fred keeps in shape by working out at the gym, jogging, and playing golf. He is happily married to his wife of more than 25 years,
who is also a chiropractor! He joins our practice Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Dr. Thomas

In 1988, soon after graduating from New York Chiropractic College, Dr. Thomas opened her practice in Park Slope. She became a Diplomate in Chiropractic Neurology in 1990 and has maintained re-credentialing in this specialty. Dr. Thomas completed a 4 year Acupuncture program in Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, becoming a licensed practitioner in 1998.
She specialized in Neuro-Acupuncture, studying with the some of the most recognized TCM doctors in the field.
Dr. Thomas is also a certified Webster practitioner. This is a gentle technique that assists with a breech-presenting pregnancy by freeing the pelvis so the baby may move into a birth presentation.
Over her long career, Dr. Thomas established credentials as an expert in the fields of both Chiropractic and Acupuncture. She has given expert testimony in malpractice, personal injury and motor vehicle court cases. For several decades, she has taught Western Sciences at all 3 of the NYC Acupuncture colleges.
Currently, she sees patients on a limited schedule, helping those who can most benefit from her expertise.
Dr. T is an avid swimmer, cyclist and kayaker. In her glory days, she was a competitive swimmer, bike racer, runner and triathlete. Now she looks forward to visits with her grandchildren who live overseas with their parents who serve in the US military.

Dr. Lloyd Chen

In 2019, Dr. Lloyd Chen graduated NYCC, now renamed Northeast College of Health Professions, located in Seneca Falls, NY. He graduated with a doctorate in chiropractic. His extended post-graduate studies includes certifications in rock taping, sports science and performance and multiple soft-tissue treatment techniques.
Dr. Chen is trained and experienced with treating pregnant patients, Cox-8 traction for disc injuries, and sports rehabilitation. He began working for us at CC&A in 2020 and he is now additionally available on Sundays(!). Dr. Chen is an avid athlete, enjoys volunteering at sports events and whenever possible, travels nationally and internationally.

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We are prepared for you and your family.

In addition, for the protection of our customers and our employees, we're keeping up with the guidance of the W.H.O. and the I.C.C.

The staff have disinfected all surfaces and implemented recommended strategies to keep safe distances between all customers and employees.

Moreover, our chiropractor and staff are on top of the most current information available to businesses.

We are open for business.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions about your health at 718-398-3100