Waking Up Without the Grog
Time to face down the day
Morning grogginess is a telltale symptom of a busy lifestyle. Here are natural ways for energizing yourself in the morning time:
- Discipline yourself: no Snooze button! Choose an alarm which gets you excited to wake up and only press it once.
- Practice deep breathing as soon as you wake up
- Take a shower that alternates hot and cold. Make sure you finish on warm!
- Set yourself a morning object of desire: whether it be a particularly tasty breakfast, or an early morning walk with the dog.
Waking up refreshed in Park Slope
At our office in Brooklyn, we want to help you leave that groggy feeling behind. Our natural modalities reduce pain and boost circulation, helping you feel more comfortable and relaxed when bedtime rolls around. When your spine is aligned, and your nervous system is firing on all cylinders, your body can be a very comfortable place to be! Let us help you start waking up refreshed by giving our office a call to schedule an appointment today.