Two Daily Movements for Resetting Neck Alignment

Two daily movements that help us restore balance and reduce tension:

  1. Shoulder blade squeezes: don’t try to squeeze a pencil between your shoulders, despite what some people suggest. This is too extreme of motion. Instead, focus on gently squeezing your shoulder blades and opening up your chest. This movement relieves tension in the thoracic and cervical segments. 
  2. Chin tucks: this simple movement is effective for strengthening the muscles that are responsible for maintaining spinal alignment through the cervical segment and supporting the weight of your head. 

Retraining your spine into a state of balance starts at the top

Always pay attention to your posture by performing posture resets as often as is possible. When you feel your head creeping forward, choose to realize that this is responsible for your aching, stiff neck at the end of the day; choose to reset your head atop the spine and give your neck a quick stretch. These little actions add up to make a world of difference in your spinal health. 

When Lower Back Pain Flares: Movement Matters

Lower back pain in Park Slope

Don´t skip exercise when you have back pain- just change your routine

With lower back pain, it is important to avoid movements that will exacerbate your condition. These movements include: bending, toe touches, sit ups, leg lifts, and twisting motions. Lower back pain is often accompanied by less range of motion, meaning that excessive movements can cause injury. Instead focus on these types of exercises:

  • Yoga- especially child’s pose and bird dog, provides gentle stretches that challenge your core stabilizing muscles.
  • Cardiovascular activity- even walking gets circulation flowing and releases tension in the musculature that creates a pull on the lower back. 
  • Focus on stretching the hamstrings- tight hamstrings create a pull on the lower spine which can wreak havoc in the lumbar vertebrae.
  • Pelvic tilts- focus on undoing pelvic tilt and strengthening the core stabilizing muscles. 

Movement speeds up the healing process

That being said, don’t speed into an exercise routine without checking with your Park Slope Chiropractor first. We can help design a multi-faceted, goal-oriented treatment plan for your specific body type and back pain. By combining chiropractic modalities including spinal adjustment and decompression, with targeted exercise and stretching, you can effect great improvements in your spinal health. If you are interested in using our services to manage lower back pain, give our office in Park Slope a call to schedule an appointment today. 

Waking Up Without the Grog

Sleep health park slope

Time to face down the day

Morning grogginess is a telltale symptom of a busy lifestyle. Here are natural ways for energizing yourself in the morning time: 

  • Discipline yourself: no Snooze button! Choose an alarm which gets you excited to wake up and only press it once. 
  • Practice deep breathing as soon as you wake up
  • Take a shower that alternates hot and cold. Make sure you finish on warm! 
  • Set yourself a morning object of desire: whether it be a particularly tasty breakfast, or an early morning walk with the dog. 

Waking up refreshed in Park Slope

At our office in Brooklyn, we want to help you leave that groggy feeling behind. Our natural modalities reduce pain and boost circulation, helping you feel more comfortable and relaxed when bedtime rolls around. When your spine is aligned, and your nervous system is firing on all cylinders, your body can be a very comfortable place to be! Let us help you start waking up refreshed by giving our office a call to schedule an appointment today. 

Chiropractic and Acupuncture for Chronic Pain

chronic pain

Chronic pain is down to the brain 

When you have been experiencing pain for more than 6 months without cessation, you know that your condition is deeper than the acute effects of an injury. Most doctors agree that chronic pain has a neuropathic element; much of the pain is perceived through a misfiring nervous system. When nerves in the spine are impeded or otherwise not functioning correctly, they begin to act abnormally. This neuropathic element is at the heart of chronic pain, contributing to conditions such as:

  • Muscle spasms
  • Headaches 
  • Repetitive use injuries 
  • Neck pain

Chronic pain is a distress signal: chiropractic and acupuncture respond

Chronic pain is your body telling you that something is wrong and it’s time to act. And while medication and surgery have their places in the treatment spectrum, they often fall short because they fail to address the root cause of your chronic pain. Acupuncture and chiropractic take a different approach: both modalities release endorphins, your body’s natural painkillers, during treatment. 

  • Chiropractic focuses on reducing tension within the body. By restoring your spine’s alignment, we restore balance to overworked and underworked muscles, thereby reducing muscle tension and contraction. Chiropractic adjustment further alleviates impingement from spinal nerves, decreasing the sensitivity of your nerves
  • Acupuncture is another great modality for releasing tension and restoring balance to the body. Indeed, many acupoints align with key motor points in the body, meaning that a well-inserted needle can have an immediate stimulatory and pain-relieving effect.

A holistic plan for treating chronic pain in Park Slope

At Community Chiropractic and Acupuncture of Park Slope, our job is to stimulate your body’s natural ability to heal. Let us provide you with the modalities that matter to kick start your body’s healing process. If you are interested in finding out more about how we treat chronic pain, give our office in Brooklyn a call to schedule an appointment today. 

Returning You to your Best: Rehabilitating Sports Injuries in Park Slope

Sports injuries rehab park slope

Chiropractic and acupuncture for sports injuries in Park Slope

These two therapies offer a holistic approach to healing that seeks to facilitate the body’s natural healing capacities. Given the appropriate mix of rest and rehabilitation, we can return sports injuries to a state of stability, allowing you to focus on reintroducing execise into your life. Our modalities have been proven to treat the following sports injuries: 

  • Back pain
  • Joint dysfunction
  • Sciatica
  • Neck pain 
  • Tennis elbow
  • Groin and thigh sprains

Moving forward from sports injuries in Park Slope

From here, we work alongside you to ensure your spine is properly aligned as we reestablish a full range of motion to the site of injury. By maintaining spinal alignment going forward, we improve performance and function both in the body and brain. This is a crucial factor in preventing reinjury. If you are interested in implementing a more dynamic approach to rehabilitating your sports injury, give our office in Park Slope a call to schedule an appointment today.