Aerobic or Anaerobic Running?


Running: foot in front of foot, in such a manner that, for the slightest instant, both feet are off the ground. A simple enough activity, until you consider what is happening within the body. Often, running is considered a purely aerobic activity, good for the soul, heart lungs and body. But there is a boundary that partitions running as an aerobic and anaerobic activity: at what level does your body stop having enough oxygen to feed all the muscles, allowing them to perform without burning carbohydrates to make up the energy deficit.

Aerobic: Can you talk while you run? At this level, your muscles have enough oxygen to be energy dependent.

Anaerobic: Are you gasping for air? You are running at an unsustainable rate, trying to set a personal record. Your muscles do not have enough energy and are making up for it by burning sugar, and overproducing lactic acid.

Lactic acid: As the body burns sugar, lactic acid accumulates in the body. While lactic acid is not necessarily harmful, a byproduct of the body’s production is hydrogen, which begins to interfere with muscle contraction, causing fatigue. Your body cannot dispel the lactic acid as fast as you are producing it and eventually you will have to reduce your pace or stop altogether.

Many people are unaware that this line exists.. Chiropractic and acucpunture are about optimizing and balancing the body, to ensure you get the most out of every workout. Not only do we provide you with the knowledge of how the body and brain work, but we also help you customize a personal fitness plan that will help you achieve everything you desire.

Chiropractic helps the runner by:

Increasing balance and circulation
Ensuring alignment of the spine
Helping your body drain waste efficiently
Helping you breathe more effectively
Helps muscles grow more efficiently

Call our office in Park Slope at (718) 398-3100 to schedule an appointment today.

Dr. Karen Thomas, D.C., L.Ac.