Treatment Plans:
Stay Flexible, Stay Feeling Young

Flexibility of the mind leads to flexibility of the body
Keeping an open, flexible mind allows us to remain open to new ideas- for example, taking on a simple stretching routine that will negate much of the harm caused by sitting too much. No matter how inflexible you may feel, you can start adding flexibility into your life bit by bit, if only you know where to start. Here is an idea for an easy routine that will help you get started today:
Gentle twist
Upper shoulder stretch
Chest stretch
Are you selling your flexibility short by not stretching?
At your Park Slope chiropractor, we know that keeping muscles pliant and flexible is one of the best ways to keep ourselves in a state of fitness as we age. In fact, it can make the difference between an old age of chronic pain and one of independence. Let's stop the stiffness today! Give our office in Brooklyn a call to schedule an appointment today.
Dr. Karen Thomas, D.C.