How to Boost Athletic Performance with Acupuncture
Acupuncture is deservedly carving its name into the fabric of athletic performance
Yes, acupuncture is a safe and natural treatment, but it is also effective, and this is why its use is growing on professional sports circuits around the globe. Athletes are using acupuncture to improve performance in the following ways:
- Reduces swelling
- Manages pain
- Increases flexibility
Because of its role in supporting optimal wellness, acupuncture fits hand in hand with an athlete’s pursuit of specialization and fitness in a given sport.
Individualized acupuncture to help athletes in Park Slope, Brooklyn
At Community Chiropractic and Acupuncture, our acupuncture treatment is personalized to the individual- given the unique demands of your sport, your level of fitness and physical condition, as well as any ongoing concerns you have regarding pain and range of motion, we customize an acupuncture plan that will work for you.
Acupuncture offers sustainable pain relief
While taking drugs is effective at masking pain, the way it lets you down is by not seeking out the cause of the pain. Acupuncture stimulates your body’s ability to heal itself; when the needles are inserted your body releases endorphins, a natural painkiller, that stimulates pain relief instantly and lasts for a long time. Furthermore, acupuncture decreases inflammation and swelling and helps to improve flexibility, helping you get back on the field faster.
Acupuncture for athletes in Park Slope, Brooklyn
If you are interested in finding out more about how our acupuncutre treatment can help you perform better, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today!