Treatment Plans:
Chinese Medicine
Chinese Medicine Brooklyn
Chiropractic Adjustments
Turn on Your Brain and Help Your Body
Find out how one simple chiropractic adjustment can turn your lights on! Chiropractic Care at Community Chiropractor and Acupuncture located in Park Slope, Brooklyn 11215
What is Chiropractic?
The word "chiropractic" is derived from the Greek. In 1895 the words cheiros and praktikos (meaning "done by hand") were combined to create the term "chiropractic" to describe this form of treatment.
Chiropractic care is the most highly sought-after complimentary and alternative medical (CAM) treatment in the United States. The effects of chiropractic joint manipulation include alleviating neck pain and back pain. But it is so much more.
Correct Body Alignment Issues Today!
When it comes down to it, there's a lot that can go wrong with body alignment, in which cases it always helps to seek drug-free pain solutions, which chiropractic treatment offers in droves.
Chiropractic spinal adjustment stimulates the body's entire nervous system – spinal cord, autonomic system, and brain. Cutting-edge research has been studying the interplay of psychology, nutrition, exercise, neurology, and orthopedics. The result is a unique approach to diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation. This is applied in the emerging field of chiropractic neurology.
Using this integrative approach, the brain effectively "lights up," affecting the body's systems on a global level. Activating the nervous system we enhance brain function, which activates and stimulates our "humanness" -- the qualities of personality that make each of us individuals.
By improving the mechanics of the joints, particularly the spinal joints, the nervous system's homeostasis (harmonious balance) is restored. If it is sluggish and dampened down, it becomes activated. If it is hypersensitive due to pain and inflammation, it becomes quieter and 'fires' more smoothly.
That's why one simple chiropractic adjustment can make a huge difference. Body alignment problems can throw a serious spoke in your productivity. Let's avoid this!
The dynamic aspect of chiropractic neurology that enables Dr. Thomas to help her patients. By restoring normal joint movement, the nerves fire to the brain correctly. Increased brain activity lights up the personality, improves perception, balance, and coordination, and stimulates mental function. Chiropractic care is key to good health. Dr. Thomas can help you achieve a more optimal state of health and well-being through chiropractic treatments in our Park Slope, Brooklyn offices.
Common conditions best treated by Dr. Karen Thomas, a Brooklyn Chiropractor & Acupuncturist:
- Sports injuries involving sprains & strains of the back, neck, ankles, knees, shoulders
- Disc injuries of the spine from motor vehicle accidents, work or personal injuries
- Chronic pain associated with household duties, over-training, old injuries, recovery from illness and disease
- Repetitive stress injuries associated with keyboarding, sedentary hours at the computer and carpal tunnel syndrome
- SUBLUXATION – when the spinal joints get 'out of whack' suddenly or after 'over-doing it' in the myriad ways that we don't even realize

Chinese Medicine Brooklyn NY
We are prepared for you and your family.
In addition, for the protection of our customers and our employees, we're keeping up with the guidance of the W.H.O. and the I.C.C.
The staff have disinfected all surfaces and implemented recommended strategies to keep safe distances between all customers and employees.
Moreover, our chiropractor and staff are on top of the most current information available to businesses.
We are open for business.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions about your health at 718-398-3100